Cheshire towns starting with W

Towns in Cheshire Beginning with W

Town NameDistrictUnitary AuthorityCountyPopulationArea Size (Ha) 
Winnington Vale Royal-Cheshire-- Map 
Winsford Vale Royal-Cheshire26507740 Map 
Winwick -WarringtonCheshire4366- Map 
Wistaston Crewe and Nantwich-Cheshire8222- Map 
Woodchurch Wirral-Cheshire-- Map 
Woodford Macclesfield-Cheshire-- Map 
Woodley Tameside-Cheshire-- Map 
Worleston Crewe and Nantwich-Cheshire404- Map 
Wrenbury cum Frith Crewe and Nantwich-Cheshire1060- Map 
Wrinehill Crewe and Nantwich-Cheshire-- Map 
Wybunbury Crewe and Nantwich-Cheshire1474- Map 
Wythenshawe Manchester-Cheshire-- Map 

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